*Note: For full background and details on the MA PFMLA, please visit our resource page: https://www.waughagency.com/pfmla/
Guide to the Claims Process for Massachusetts Paid Family Medical Leave Act (PFMLA) benefits.
Benefits under the Massachusetts Paid Family & Medical Leave Act (PFMLA) are now Available to employees in Massachusetts!
As of January 1, 2021, eligible Massachusetts employees can now create an account with the DFML and begin filing applications (claims) for PFML benefits. The entire claims process is explained on this page. To discuss specific questions for your organization, please contact Waugh Agency. Email us using the link below, or call us at (800)779-4090.
Talk to us about a compliance program for your business.
What do Employers need to do?
- Create an employer account to review paid family and medical Leave (PFML) applications. In order to review and manage PFML
applications for your organization’s staff, you’ll have to create an Employer Account.Create an Account Link can be found here: https://www.mass.gov/how-to/creating-an-employer-account-to-review-paid-family-and-medical-leave-pfml-applications
- Each organization should designate someone (usually the HR or Benefits person) as the “Leave Administrator” to review DFML information and track employees’ leaves.
- Review the following information on the Role of a Leave Administrator (usually the employer)
- Review the Application Timeline for PFML. Employers need to be prepared to review the application and provide any necessary information within 10 business days of receipt of the application from the Department. The Application Timeline issued by the Department highlights the necessary steps.
What do Employees need to do to file a claim?
- Create an account with the Massachusetts Department of Family and Medical Leave at the following webpage: https://paidleave.mass.gov/create-account/ . Follow the instructions to start your claim online. You may also want to review the State of Massachusetts detailed page here: https://www.mass.gov/how-to/how-to-apply-for-paid-family-and-medical-leave-pfml
- Download a Certification of a Serious Health Condition form. You will need a certification form as part of your application for paid family or medical leave. You can download the form here: https://www.mass.gov/doc/certification-of-your-serious-health-condition-form/download
- Complete sections 1 and 2 of the form to tell the State of Massachusetts Department of FML about your reason for taking leave. List your name at the top of each page and in section 1. If you’re applying for family leave, your healthcare provider should list your family member’s name in section 2.
- Ask your healthcare provider to complete sections 3–6. Your claim will be delayed or denied without certification from a healthcare provider.
- Upload your form to the Massachusetts Department of FML via your account from step 1 above. You will be asked to submit a scan or photos of your form.
Talk to us about a compliance program for your business.
Helpful Paid Family Medical Leave Act PFMLA Links:
MA PFMLA Benefit Calculator: Estimate an employee’s weekly benefit baed on quarterly earnings- https://calculator.digital.mass.gov/pfml/yourbenefits/
MA PFMLA Contribution Calculator for Employers: https://calculator.digital.mass.gov/pfml/contribution/
State of Massachusetts page with official notices for employees: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/informing-your-workforce-about-paid-family-and-medical-leave
Employer notice for a workforce with 25 or more covered individuals (DOCX 52.07 KB)
Employer notice for a workforce with fewer than 25 covered individuals (DOCX 51.93 KB)
Official State of Massachusetts FAQ Page: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/paid-family-medical-leave-for-employers-faq
Official State of Massachusetts Department of Family and Medical Leave (DFML) page: https://www.mass.gov/orgs/department-of-family-and-medical-leave
State of Massachusetts fact sheet: https://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2019/06/21/DFML_Employer_FastFacts_062119.pdf
Official State of Massachusetts PFML Rates page:
Call Waugh Agency at (800)779-4090 or email to service@waughagency.com with any questions.
The PFML effects Employers and self employed individuals. Waugh Agency will help you understand and comply with the new Massachusetts state regulations